Writer/Director/Producer, Linda Palmer, had previously produced a series of public service announcements for CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT, an organization that rescues runaway children from prosititution and pornography. Founder Lois Lee has stated that "Palmer's PSA's are running on all of the television stations and several cable stations and their phones have been ringing because children and adults are responding to the ads". Dr. Lee also noted that their board decided to run two of the eight spots completed by Palmer per year so they could continue for years to come. To view those spots, visit Runaway Productions new website and go to the commercial division.
The company has also started a feature division with the acquisition of Scott Ritchie's screenplay, PERFECT. The producer/director team of Palmer/Ritchie are planning a fall start for the production.
Learn more about the founder, the projects and the company at their new website.
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